Don't Go Bertie - We Love Ya!
Sad news friends, Ireland's ShowBizziest Taoiseach EVER is gonna step down. Why you cry? Well, coz a few hate-mongers and witch-hunters in the Irish media and government think this is the UK and conduct themselves thusly. We say: Don't Go Bertie...
Cecelia Ahern, Bertie Ahern |
How could anyone have it in for Bertie Ahern? He's like your Da, a normal Joe down the pub watching Man Utd on the box while sipping Bass. The type of fella you'd go fishing with or have over on Christmas Day. He's an everyman, a true Gent. And now he's resigning... A dark day folks.
David Keoghan, Cecelia Ahern, Bertie Ahern |
Sure, Bertie's had his family problems and had to deal with them with the media's glare always over his shoulder. Yet he raised two very clever and beautiful daughters, with Cecelia one of Ireland's most successful authors and Georgina married with twins to one of our biggest popstars, Nicky Byrne. He has raised his daughters like he has raised this Nation - not perfect by any means but as good, if not better, than anything else out there... Fighters.
Cecelia Ahern, Miriam Ahern, Georgina Byrne, Bertie Ahern |
There is no doubt he had the common touch yet he is our most committed and honest politicians ever, and don't forget he presided over the most economically prosperous period in Ireland's history. International politicians, celebrities and sports stars just loved to be around him, and your Granny could have him over for tea. A man for all seasons.
Cecelia Ahern, Bertie Ahern |
Okay, early on in his career Bertie made some foolish judgments with his personal finances while going through his marriage break-up - but this is Ireland. There is no such thing as a perfect Irish person yet alone a perfect Irish politician. We are a nation of flawed individuals and that what makes us who we are... If we witch-hunted every single person in this country who made a mistake in their past we'd have empty streets and full prisons. But with our Nation's media taking their influence and direction from British brand masters and seeking headlines instead of what is ethically correct; there is no doubt we're fast circling the plug-hole. Romantic Ireland? Long gone.
David Keoghan, Cecelia Ahern, Bertie Ahern |
Bertie Ahern is not a rich man in relative terms, he's not a perfect man but he is a modest man. He is no Charlie Haughey... It's now up to the young people of Ireland to support him and ask him not to quit - and show a little respect for the man who brought about these decades of wealth and prosperity. We'd be mad to let a man of this magnitude slip through our fingers, no matter what gobshites like Eamon Dunphy say. We say stay Bertie. What do you say?