Colin Farrell Mr. Sarajevo...
Irish actor Colin Farrell looked rather gaunt on a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina this week. The 'In Bruges' star toured the former war-thorn region to get a feel for a leading role in his upcoming Danis Tanovic film called 'Triage'. Should have brought Bono, Brian Eno, Pavarotti & East 17 with him to work on the soundtrack...
Colin Farrell |
With renewed vigor and 20% extra pep in his heart for filmmaking the bould Colin Farrell went to the eastern town of Srebrenica in Bosnia this week. A rather harsh place where some 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed after it fell to Bosnian-Serb forces in July 1995. He told reporters "I felt sick" after visiting the cemetery for the victims of the massacre, regarded as Europe's worst atrocity since World War Two.
Colin Farrell |
We reckon our Col is taking a large leaf out of Daniel Day-Lewis' book and giving the aul Method Acting a go... It was reported in the Irish press last week that he had dropped around 2 Stones in bodyweight, and from these photos taken in Sarajevo International Airport, we can see the affects... Far too skinny lad.
Colin Farrell, Danis Tanovic |
Hopefully The Farreller's diminishing proportions are to better allow him portray the traumatized war photographer character in this movie and not a sign of ill health or a drift back into his wayward ways, unhealthy eating and getting all his nutrition from a pack of cigarettes. He eats like a feckin' pigeon you know?
Colin Farrell, fans |
Colin was spotted in the 4 Seasons' Ice Bar last week by drag queen Mr. Pussy... When he invited the movie superstar to a party, Colin remarked to Pussy that he was going home to "spoon" with the missus, who the cabaret star assumed to be Muireann McDonnell... Hmmmm, perhaps they are still an item? More worryingly, it's not like Col to say "NO" to Pussy!!! Tish boom boom Wokka Wokka etc...