Kenny Calls Time on Gorse-Gate...
Irish broadcaster and Late Late Show presenter Pat Kenny bragged squatter's rights to an adjoining piece of land next to his Dalkey crib called 'Gorse Hill.' His neighbour screamed: "Get off my land Kenny" and the costs went into the millions... Ouch.
Pat Kenny |
Us Irish only love land. We're all land mad, and like Richard Harris in The Field we'll fight to the death for a patch of grass. We blame the Brits. Anyroad, veteran broadcaster Pat Kenny got dragged into a very public row over a scrap of scrubland next to his plush pad. The land was apparently originally owned by his neighbour and solicitor Gerard Charlton, but crafty Pat had ideas for the plot under ancient squatter's rights laws. Pat Kenny squatting? Surely not.
Pat Kenny |
The fight went all legal folks and under Judge’s advice the two neighbours agreed to settle the row under mediation. Now reports in the media state that the RTE presenter has agreed to purchase the land, leaving him with an estimated bill somewhere in the ballpark of 3 million Euros... Stung! That's gotta hurt Ireland's highest paid TV presenter's pocket.
Bono, Andrea Corr |
Kenny's Killiney neighbour Bono also got himself into a bit of land bother recently when he applied to chop down a few old trees in the backyard to make room for an outhouse. A shed for his shed-loads of money no doubt... We say solve ALL land disputes the Richard Harris way ala The Field: "There's another law stronger than the common law. The law of the land." Although, Tom Berenger wouldn't agree. Ahem.