Celebrity Hitch Hiker Hat-Trick Award: The Glenda...
When Hollywood actress Minnie Driver set out on the rocky road to Dublin, little did she know that she'd be apart of Glenda Gilson's 3rd successive Celebrity Hitch Hike. Yes, you guessed it. The Glenda has only gone and landed an unprecedented hat-trick of Celeb Hitch Hikes... Give someone else a go G. Please.
Glenda Gilson, Minnie Driver |
Not content with dominating the world of modelling for the past five years, TV newcomer Glenda Gilson is popping up everywhere and interviewing celebrities for that evil Xpose lot... And each time she bags one, it's THUMBS-UP to celebrate yet another Celebrity Hitch Hiker Award. She's feckin' omnipresent!
Glenda Gilson, Minnie Driver |
Today, we thought we'd be safe from the intrusion of the Xpose girlies given that they celebrated their 1st birthday with a bash and a free bar in Krystle last night. Hic! When we left the party, all the ‘X-ets’ and The Glenda, were still there taking full advantage of the booze... Drank the place dry, so they did.
Glenda Gilson |
We noticed today, before Glenda nabbed Minnie Driver for an aul chat on the red carpet outside Brown Thomas, she was busy fixing the hair and straightening herself out. Probably, still knackered from last night’s party... But before the cameras rolled, she was looking like her usual sprightly self and right back in the game... What a pro.
Minnie Driver |
Oops! We nearly forgot to mention that Oscar nominated actress Minnie Driver was in Dublin to launch 'Fashion Targets Breast Cancer' Ireland campaign...
Minnie Driver |
What's that? You cry... Well, see the bag Minnie has on her shoulder? That's a Diane Von Furstenberg designed tote bag created exclusively for Brown Thomas, apparently the "must-have" bag of the summer. So you must-have one.
Minnie Driver |
And it's only 45 of your Irish Euros from all BT Stores - all proceeds go to Action Breast Cancer and Europa Donna Ireland.