JR & Sue-Ellen Reunite Irish Style...
Doesn't matter who you are or when you were born. If you live on planet Earth then you love Dallas. Fact. So what if it was made in the Eighties... It was the best soap EVER! Even better than Chris De Burgh's notorious affair with the teenage Nanny. Well, almost. Co-incidentally all parties mentioned above were on The Late Late Show at the weekend. What a link...
Linda Gray, Larry Hagman |
Actor Larry Hagman may be 133 years old but he's still got that JR Ewing glint in his eye. And Linda Gray? Still as hot as the Texan beauty queen that caught the heartless oilman's roving attentions way-back-when. All we needed was Cliff Barnes lurking in the background and Bobby Ewing emerging semi-naked from the shower and this picture would have been complete... Yes folks, Dallas Done Dublin.
Linda Gray, Larry Hagman, wife Maj Axelsson |
With his Stetson cowboy hat and broad shoulders and even broader grin, Larry Hagman is instantly recognisable as his womanising bastard alias JR Ewing, despite it being decades since he was last on screen. Probably TV's biggest ever character, we loved him... With his beautiful opposite, the long suffering quivering lipped Sue Ellen, these two giants dominated the small screen during the Eighties. Yee-haw!
Larry Hagman |
Despite being drunk for most of the glory years, Larry Hagman portrayed the man we loved to hate with such perfection that his JR Ewing character will probably never be topped. Larry and Linda were in Ireland last week attending the Punchestown Races and judging the Best Dressed Lovely Girl competition... Erm, seems we haven't progressed too far in other ways since the Eighties.
Rosanna Davison, Diane Davison, Chris De Burgh |
And speaking of scandalous figures from the Eighties, crooner Chris De Burgh was also a guest on The Late Late Show with a few glamorous members of his family in tow... Namely, his wife Diane Davison and daughter Rosanna Davison towering above him.
Diane Davison, Chris De Burgh |
And just as we urged Chris to spend some of his millions on a Press Officer for his gaffe-prone daughter, it seems, he could do with one himself... Bringing up his outrageous affair with Rosanna's childhood Nanny, Maresa Morgan back in 1994, De Burgh hinted to the press that he may have been suffering from the Male Menopause... Noo. Really? Was that what it was all about??
Rosanna Davison, Chris De Burgh |
Chris told the Daily Mirror: "I am sure I had it. It's why men want to bonk everything that moves. You get to a stage when you realise you won't ever be any fitter or healthier"... Okaaay. We'll leave that one there folks.
Wesley Quirke, Rosanne Davison |
Oh! We've just had a blinding flash of inspiration... Why don't the De Burgh's make a Reality TV Show ala The Osbournes or Kerry Katona: Crazy in Love? They would make perrrrrrfect candidates with all their ill-informed press faux pas and over-the-top ShowBiz lifestyle... It would SO make great (Spanish) Train-Crash TV. See what we did there? Smart, eh.