Leap Year Shoots at The Castle...
Watchmen hunk Matthew Goode is in good company in Dublin at the moment (and we're not talking about his cute Boxer puppy). The English actor has joined forces with Oscar nominated actress Amy Adams - both thespians were spotted shooting 'Leap Year' at a snow-capped Dublin Castle last week...
Matthew Goode & Boxer Puppy |
Since playing Ozymandias in the Watchmen movie, actor Matthew Goode's profile has shot right up the Hollywood ranks. So when we spotted him walking with a companion around the city centre last week we thought we had a real scoop on our hands. Sadly, the companion in question turned out to be his new Boxer puppy. Awwww...
Matthew Goode |
Despite having a rather hairy and boisterous love interest on his arm at the moment, Matt is in town strictly for work purposes shooting this romantic comedy with talented Doubt actress Amy Adams.
Amy Adams |
We spotted Matthew and Amy shooting both interior and exterior scenes at Dublin Castle last week. Amazingly, the film crew imported tons of snow to carpet the historic Castle courtyard and then transformed the exterior building to look like the Davenport Hotel in winter...
Leap Year Film Set |
Always unpredictable, the Irish weather was unseasonably hot last week with the sun beaming down on the carefully laid and tended snow giving the crew a few headaches. Well, you can always rely on the Irish weather to be unreliable. And then some.
Matthew Goode |
The plot of Leap Year centers on that olde Irish tradition that on every 29th of February a young lady may in fact ask her beau to marry her, rather than the usual other way around. Adams' character plots an elaborate scheme to propose to her boyfriend in Dublin, but bad weather threatens to derail her meticulous plan. Isn't it always the way folks?
Leap Year Film Set |