Lee Not Looking Sharp At Krystle...
With former Man Utd soccer star Lee Sharp at Krystle with a few other ball players last Saturday night, and Gazza on The Tubridy Tonight show, there certainly was a footie theme to the weekend. We have no idea why former UK soccer heads were congregating in Dublin, there must have been a Viviscal convention going on or something...
Lee Sharp |
Former Man Utd pin-up Lee Sharp dressed totally down in a check shirt and worn jeans for his trip to Dublin last weekend. Not in his usual dapper attire. The Celebrity Love Islander was spotted out drinking in the City Centre earlier in the night before making his way to VVVIP haunt Krystle...
Lee Sharp |
We don't know what Lee was doing in Dublin, but with Paul 'Gazza' Gascoigne over at The Tubridy Tonight Show, we had our quota full of former soccer star playboys in town.
Don Rogers, Frank McAvennie |
Added to Mr. Sharp, we also spotted former Crystal Palace player Don Rogers and former Celtic star Frank McAvennie out and about and making their way towards Krystle VIP suite in buoyant form. Yup, there was definitely something soccer related going on folks... Can anyone out there enlighten us?
Tanya Tate |
And where soccer stars go, naughty girls tend to follow. And they don't get naughtier than UK porn star Tanya Tate who seems to have set up home in Dublin recently. Busty Tanya always gives our snapper a wee flash of her enhanced assets as she hits Krystle, but this time there was just too much flesh on show for our more innocent readership. Use your imagination folks.
Pippa O'Connor, Brian Ormond |
Apart from all the soccer legends and international porn stars out clubbing at Krystle last weekend, we also had a few of the usual faces off the social scene propping up the guest list at the club's VIP entrance...
Christina McBarron, Michael Wheather |
Model and TV presenter combo Brian Ormond and Pippa O'Connor (Brippa) were in matching grey outfits as they entered the club. Awwww. And middle sister of the McBarron McMunter dynasty, Christina, was also there showing off her new fella Michael Wheather last Saturday night...
Matthew John with Mira, Charlie, Sara & Lucy |
Apart from all that, male model Matthew John seemed to have his hands full as he hit the nightspot with AT LEAST four lovely ladies in tow. Some guys have all the luck.