Mr & Miss World Party at Lillies...
It's fricken official folks. Irish people are bloody good looking. FACT. Gone are all those cliches of the auld toothless red-cheeked red-eared buffoon sucking on a pipe in a flatcap whilst perpetually winking and drooling like a stroke victim with advanced tourettes. Yup. Only last weekend we had Mr World Kamal Ibrahim AND Miss World Rosanna Davison partying at Lillies Bordello on the same night...
Rosanna Davison |
Begorrah and begosh. Who'd of thunk it? Ireland now has a Miss World AND a Mr World, making us the ONLY country in the world to EVER hold both titles. Wowzers! And where did we get that statistic? We totally made it up. But hey, it's probably true.
Rebecca Lee, Rosanna Davison |
For Rosanna 'Meet Me in Marrakesh' Davison grabbed the female version of the title five or six years back, and now her male counterpart, Kamal Ibrahim, has only gone and got the Mister one too... Our country may be flat broke and slowly slipping into the Atlantic, but at least our preoccupation with Beauty Pageants is finally paying off... They never taught us that in the Hedge Schools.
Kamal Ibrahim |
And how apt on the very anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising we had BOTH Mr World and Miss World partying in the same club on the same night only a few hundred yards away from the GPO. Jaysus folks, Michael Collins would have been dead proud. Finally getting rid of the Brits has paid off.
Breffny Morgan, Anna Callery |
And it seemed Lillies Bordello was most certainly the place to be on Easter Sunday night folks with the loveliness of Rosie and Kammie matched only by the intellectualness of former Apprentice stars Steve Rayner and Breffny Morgan.
Eileen Crowley, Steve Rayner |
Other guests at Lillies dancing off the Easter eggs included Eamon Farrell's hubbie Steven Mannion and Fair City's Yare Jegbefume... Wonder will Kamal get the same civic reception treatment Rosie got when she brought home the sash?
Steven Mannion, Yare Jegbefume |