Vanilla Ice & Jedward Easter Eggs...
What a bizarre world it is we live in folks... Our snappers bumped into US rapper Vanilla Ice carrying a Jedward Easter Egg in Dublin last weekend! Like we ever thought we'd be composing that unlikely sentence. Random...
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'Ice Ice Baby' star Vanilla Ice from waaay back when has enjoyed a wee bit of a resurgence thanks to mental Irish twins Jedward, their X Factor success, and subsequent duet (or is it tri-et?) which got to No. 2 in the UK charts.
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The tattooed rapper was in Dublin last weekend to play a gig at Dandelion Bar but when we caught up with Van he was carrying around a box of Jedward Easter Eggs... Okay.
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Turns out Mr. Ice had no intention of even eating the oval chocolates - he reckoned the one-off treat was a future collector's item... Really? Damn, that means the Jeds will be still around in 20 years... Hopefully bald.
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