Stellar Turn-Out For Arthur...
Russell Brand! Katy Perry!! AND Dame Helen Mirren!!! Yup. Absolutely NONE of these famous people turned-out for the Irish Premiere of 'Arthur' at The Screen last night folks... Still. At least we had Tiffany Stanley on the rather small red carpet... 'Twas more of a red mat to be honest...
Tiffany Stanley |
If reviews are to believed Russell Brand's Arthur is a bit of a turkey. Dudley Moore he aint. Apparently... But going by what constituted the movie's glam Irish Premiere last night it sure seems like the Arthur people aren't all that bothered marketing the comedy in Ireland... Even though Mr. Brand has a rather large Irish following... Hare Krishna.
Karen Brown |
Like, we're not knocking (and nor should you) Tiffany Stanley, Karen Brown, Diana Bunici, Sinead Kennedy, and the other peeps who got invited to the low-key premiere and we never bothered to snap... Considering the huge Irish cinema attendance per capita ratio stuff, we should get a decent premiere screening from those Hollywood types.
Diana Bunici |
We're not bitter (much) but it wouldn't have killed the distributors to send over even a small teeny-weenie star to hype-up proceedings and give us something to point a camera at... Even Fast & Furious 5 booked Georgia Salpa and Karena Graham to brighten up the red carpet... Jeez.
Sinead Kennedy |
Anyways, the Irish Premiere for Arthur was at The Screen Cinema last night and literally some people attended... That said, we're not quite sure what most of the attendees do nor what would warrant them a VIP invite... Apparently a distant cousin of Breffny Morgan, twice removed, was there... Folks. This carry-on doesn't bode well for the upcoming summer blockbuster premiere season... Not well at all... We demand celebs. Lots of 'em.
Tiffany Stanley, Karen Brown |