Ironically, The Ironic VIP Awards?
First there was the Alternative Miss Ireland taking the pee outta the whole Miss Ireland pageant thing, now there's the South William Street VVIP Awards taking the absolute urine outta the VIP Style Awards phenomenon. Only problem with the irony here is folks, some the same peeps who turned-up to the VVIPs also attended VIP Style Awards in full seriousness. Aint Ireland just grrrand...
Niall Breslin aka Bressie, Daniella Moyles |
We're thinking the ideology behind last night's South William Street VVIP Awards 2012 at Andrews Lane Theatre was to take satirical sideswipe at the rather Oirish view of schhhtyle at the VIP Style Awards... Ha! We love it. Nerdy hipster social media types slagging off mainstream media and tabloid celebrities in Ireland. Nice.
Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain |
Only. We think the irony was lost on some of the guests... From what we can pick-up at this stage, large numbers of glam ladies who attended put about as much effort in to their outfits and hairdos and makeup as they did for the actual Schhhtyle Awards... Like, some only gorgeous girls sat in salons all day ahead of this tongue in cheek event at ALT... Really? Yup. Some people work so hard in this town to be really shite. Not naming names.
Liam Cunningham & Glenda Gilson with Chris Burke & Sinead Burke |
Kidding! Irish model types have a really well developed sense of humour folks and can attend this type of thing in a completely humble self-deprecating way, without any sense of misguided narcissism overriding tormentuous inner self loathing... I'm sooo going to the VVIP Awards thing tonight, loike evvveryone's going to be there. Whatevs.
Tiffany Stanley with Chris Burke & Sinead Burke |
And trust us dear reader, if you think Oirish celeb types can take the piss out of themselves, then you wouldn't have lasted five minutes moderating the comments on this here site over the past decade. We're talking mental tantrums and tiaras every few days over the smallest jibe or witticism... Car-azy people.
Chris Newman, Dana Arikane |
Annnyways, the once underground South William Street VVIP Awards went mainstream last night with all the usual faces there showing they really do get-it... And the award for the Person Most Likely To Turn Up To The Opening Of An Envelope is....... Ahem. Comment Removed.
Holly Carpenter, Emma Waldron |
All that aside, fair play to the organisers, and all who attended in good spirits... I'm loike sooo tweeting I'm at the #VVIPs12 roysh now. #Mad!
Leigh Learmont |
Lastly, when 'celebs' turn-up to an alternative awards show taking the piss outta them, it stops being the alternative and becomes the thing it's reacting against. Alas in life dear reader, we all become the thing we hate... Just sayin' is all... Now, is Bressie's fifteen minutes up yet?
Katie Van Buren |
Penultimately. It being the long Easter weekend ahead remember in your hearts what the Sultans of Ping once pondered: "Where's Me Jumper?" It's what Jesus would have said at the VVIP Awards. If he couldn't find his jumper.
Niall Breslin aka Bressie Gets Mobbed |
Harry McCreery, Louise Johnston |
Garett Brady, Louise Dunne |
VVIP Award Organisers |
Rozanna Purcell, Pippa O'Connor |
Dara Quilty & Daniella Moyles |
Emma Quinlan, Sinead Burke |
Conor Wilson |