Ryan, Tubridy & O'Shea Single Shop...
The life of the bachelor isn't all it's hyped up to be folks - just ask RTE's top male presenters Gerry Ryan, Ryan Tubridy & Joe O'Shea. We individually spotted the trio out last Thursday taking advantage of the late shopping in the city centre, no doubt stocking up on man essentials. Ah bless 'em...
Ryan Tubridy |
Many of you people out there peer in at RTE Telly land and seethe with jealousy at Ireland's top TV male presenters... Sure don’t they have it all? They're single, make loads of money, have oodles of fame, and full access to the VIP champagne lifestyle (should they want it). But dear readers, if only singledom was that cut-and-dry.
Gerry Ryan |
Last Thursday afternoon our eagle-eyed paps happened across three of Ireland's top male TV presenters, Gerry Ryan, Ryan Tubridy & Joe O'Shea, in three completely separate yet eerily similar instances... We know. You wait all week for a celeb off the Telly and three come at once. Like buses they are...
Joe O'Shea |
It looked like our chatty threesome were out doing a bit o' the weekly shop... Considering they are all single lads they were most likely in the purchasing mood for Pot Noodle, Dolmio & pasta, frozen pizza, Easy Singles, Poptarts, oven chips, and microwave popcorn. Oh and probably a few tinnies... You see folks? It's not all birds, booze and erm, banjos when you opt out of domestic bliss in favour of being a onesome. Like, what bachelor wouldn't give his left nut for a freshly washed & pressed shirt? Mmmmmmm, clean stuff. Remember clean stuff lads?
Daniel Ryan |
We also spotted Daniel Ryan from 'The Thrills' out and about on Thursday arvo. We're not sure whether he is a single lad too but with the shoes without socks, the creased pants and shirt, and the Marks & Spencer carrier bag – the look all screams the lack of a feminine influence in his flat... Let's face it folks – Dublin's becoming a society of scruffy bachelors with sinks and sinks filled with dirty dishes and countless fridges scantly graced with today's grub from Spar or Centra, and the odd two-week-old bottle of milk. If only the bastards in Brussels would hurry-up and clone Nigella Lawson, ALL our prayers would be answered.