Ali & Helena Bono's Bikini Babes...
While the rest of us here in miserable auld Ireland are stuck in our perma-drizzle summer - isn't it nice to know that our patron saint is off in sunnier climes hanging with hot ladies in bikinis? We spotted Bono's wife Ali Hewson and supermodel Helena Christensen frolicking on the beach in Eze this week. And no, we're not bitter...
Ali Hewson, Helena Christensen |
That old cliché 'see how the other half lives' never really made much sense to us before. Until now... Considering Ireland’s been stuck in a rain cloud for about a month, and there aren't too many hot girls walking around Dublin in bikinis - voyeuristically watching Bono and his pals lounging around the South of France in the press on a daily basis is bringing about a National state of depression. Yes. Bono’s happiness is sapping the strength from our collective will-power.
Ali Hewson, Helena Christensen |
And if all that wasn't bad enough, this latest set of photos of Mr. Hewson’s wife Ali and supermodel Helena Christensen splashing about in the sea in Eze sur Mer is practically enough to send us all over the edge. And we're not talking Dave Evans. Boom. Boom.
Helena Christensen |
In fact, if it wasn't for our boxers Kenneth Egan and Paddy Barnes getting through their bronze medal bouts in Beijing, we reckon simultaneous mass emigration from Ireland would have ensued this week. The shite weather combined with the sad passing of Ronnie Drew is just too much for us all to take folks...
Helena Christensen |
Oh well. At least Bono and his clan are down in the sunny South of France living it up and getting their jollies on fancy yachts and in luxury villas. All we get to do is stare at Helena Christensen's perfectly formed arse from afar... Jealous. Much.