Lenny Kravitz Hits Dublin Town...
Rock God Lenny Kravitz hit Dublin city last night amid very tight security... He checked into his hotel, took a few hours to spruce-up and do his hair before the handsome axe-man and entourage headed out on the town...
Lenny Kravitz |
Are You Going My Way singer Lenny Kravitz plays Marley Park today alongside Alanis Morissette and hot new Irish band 'The Script.' If you haven’t already got your ticket for tonight, get it sorted NOW coz this is gonna be a great gig. We're only lovin’ The Script folks...
Lenny Kravitz |
Mister Kravitz and his band checked into their Dublin hotel last evening. They all headed off to their respective rooms to shower and clean themselves up before jumping back onto their tour bus and headed out into the city to check out Dublin's world renowned nightlife. Although, there’s usually not much happening on a damp Monday night.
Lenny Kravitz & Security |
Despite the huge security detail and numerous blacked-out cars and buses we managed to lose Lenny and Co. as they hit the town. To tell the truth, it was bucketing down with rain so we kinda didn't put too much effort into stalking the rock guitar legend. Paparazzi-ing is such a thankless job...