Fatboy Slim Was Welly Fab...
Ok. Ok. Worst headline like EVER. But hey! It’s a bank holiday Monday and we're all crabby, hungover and mentally defunct. Annnnyways, Fatboy Slim played Marlay Park yesterday and gave Dublin's fine young things another excuse to drag out their Oxegen Wellies from under the stairs and strut-it in brightly coloured rubber...
Jessica Abrahams, Louise Johnston, Brooke Wright |
Fatboy Slim (or Norman Cook to all you Housemartins aficionados) seemed to be the only reason for NOT deserting Dublin this wet, wild and windy weekend... We're sooo looking forward to summer. Can't wait, in fact.
Luke Ryan, Tara Monaghan, Sam Hargan |
Yup. Mr Zoe Ball was in town to spin a few discs and get-down-wiv-da-kids in Marlay Park yesterday. For the record, Metallica also played the Southside’s green acres at the weekend, but in truth, this isn't really a rocker friendly website.
Marie Claire Nolan, Sara Kavanagh, Gareth Gunnigle |
Many of the sexy social set made their way over to Marlay yesterday to catch Fatboy's world renowned DJ set. But with afterparties promised at both Lillies Bordello and Krystle consecutively, there was always going to have to be a lapse in anti Wellington boot wearing policy... Wellies Rock duuude!
Steven Scully, Pamela Brannigan |
For our money, hottest Welly-Wearer at Fatboy Slim was brunette Jessica Abrahams, with blonde Louise Johnston taking a close second... Merely for the hot red booties we award Tara Monaghan with third place... Yes girls, you can carry-off the festival look. Go forth with pride.
Helen Roxy Daly, Peter Finnegan |
Normally we would have immediately bestowed cracking model Sara Kavanagh as numero uno Welly-Wearer of the summer, but herself and best bud Marie Claire Nolan took at safe root with high-heeled leather knee boots and put themselves out of the running... Darn it.
Dan Hyland, Paul Byrne, Richard Barrett, Kieron Farrelly |
Whitest Trainers Award goes to foursome Dan Hyland, Paul Byrne, Richard Barrett and Kieron Farrelly... Although, we doubt if these four lads looked anything like this at the end of the long outdoor day... We're guessing head-to-toe in mud.
Damien McLoughlin, Stephen McGirr |
Lastly, Best Sign Award goes to Damien McLoughlin and Stephen McGirr who said it all with the word: TUNE. Need we say more? Ok, story done. Back to bed with vinegar and brown paper.