Huzzah! Wesanna's Back Baby...
Was it all a bad dream? Did it even happen folks? Were Ireland's cheesiest photocall couple actually apart for the past six months or, like Bobby Ewing stepping out of the shower in Dallas, was it was all just some crazy distorted mirage? We don't know, but at the weekend Rosanna Davison took back her boy Wesley Quirke and the duo WE invented, aka Wesanna, were once more. It's like Groundhog Day all over again, except without Bill Murry or, erm, the Groundhog...
Rosanna Davison |
She was statuesque daughter of a rather talented world famous popstar, he worked at his Dad's Dr Quirkeys amusement arcade. She conquered the world of beauty by becoming Miss World and yet still achieved a First Class Honours Degree at UCD, he, erm, worked at his Dad's amusement arcade business thingy? She strode forth and set the likes of Hello! Magazine on fire and rubbed shoulders with the globe's A-List, he, ehhhh, he, oooooo, heeeeee, erm. Did. Stuff. We. Think? They were thee power couple template folks.
Rosanna Davison |
But sadly, that little bubble of perfection, which got our Wes onto the pages of our National newspapers and the books of Assets model agency, was popped about six months ago when 'Wesanna' simply became 'Rosanna and that guy she used to date, what's his name? Thingy, you know him?? The Bebo fella, he has a brother that does that Scanger Me Banger thing on You Tube, he also does a pretty decent Colin Farrell impression. You know, yer man?' Okaaaay. So, not quite as catchy as their previous moniker. But you guessed it folks, they split-up.
Michael Davison, Rosanna Davison |
Yup. As newly single Rosie flew about Europe turning-up on exclusive red carpets in Monaco and Cannes and hobnobbing it with Elton John at his White Tie Ball, poor wee Wes seemed to vanish back into the media obscurity from whence he came... The camera bulb flashes just stopped flashing and his male modelling career seemed to fall by the wayside. Sniff. Alas dear reader, without the lovely Rosanna on his arm, poor aul Wesser just wasn't that interesting of a prospect to our beloved tabloids. And who would have guessed they were that fickle? Shocking. We know.
Michael Davison, Rosanna Davison |
Yet still, to this day, no one knows what really drove the couple apart... Maybe it was their contrasting ambitious natures? Perhaps their differing levels of Academia? Was it even the drudging monotony of doing those couple-for-hire cheesetastic photocalls (remember the hilarious John Lennon & Yoko Ono one?) and red carpets? We just don't know folks, but like the Celtic Tiger and property prices, Rosie and Wesie went tits-up and were no more. Awwwww. Romantic Ireland was surely dead and gone...
Wesley Quirke |
But hold on to your horse teeth peeps. All that changed last weekend when the two were seen hanging-out together at Fatboy Slim and later again on Sunday night at Krystle. Yup. It would seem Rosanna has taken back Wes, and everything is set right in the world again. Ahhhh breathe a sigh of relief - Rosie and Wes being snapped by snappers outside Krystle – it's almost like they never went away... Huzzah! We bet house prices go up next week and even bankers become honest.
Wesley Quirke |
Yup. The coy couple showed-up at Krystle at midnight on Sunday, but made darn sure not to walk into club together with our paps hanging around outside. Rosanna was instead being squired by her handsome younger brother Michael on the way in... But well done lads, BEST place not to be noticed in Dublin is most definitely Krystle nightclub. A+ for effort.
Wesley Quirke |
After spending a few hours inside Rosanna and her little bro emerged first and flagged down a cab. Not long after and looking rather Brunoesque in a tight and bright pink t-shirt, Wes followed and rapidly minced over to the waiting motor and jumped into the front seat. And like that, puff, they disappeared into the night.
Wesley Quirke |
So there you have it folks. By all accounts it would seem Wesanna are back on. We'd love to rebrand them as 'Wesanna 2.0' but from what we witnessed up-close last Sunday night at Krystle, not much has changed in the period they were apart. But hey, change is baaad okaaaay. Viva more of the same. And so it goes, and so it goes...