Celeb Boxers Get The Babes...
Last Saturday night saw the bloody culmination of RTE's latest 'celebrity' Reality TV show - Charity Lords of the Ring. We of course use the term 'celebrity' very very very lightly in this case, just in case you lot start leaving reams of abusive comments. Turns out there were far more interesting celebrities watching the bouts than actually participating in the hilariously mismatched spats. Seriously, we've seen better scraps in the schoolyard...
Rosanna Davison |
The whole celebrity (sur)reality TV format has become rather jaded of late what with reports of both Peter Andre AND Kerry Katona apparently wanting to go back into the jungle on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. What? Haven't they suffered enough public humiliation of late??
Leanne Moore |
And as if UK TV Land wasn't awash with enough pointless personalities parading as celebs on reality show after reality show, seems like Ireland doesn't want to be left-out of the party... Whatever they can do, we can certainly do worse... Welcome to Lords of the Ring.
Pippa O'Connor |
That's right folks, now that we've had well-enough of 'stars' eating kangaroo testicles with the hairy scrotum still attached, we now can watch them beat each other's brains-out (CT scan permitting) in a boxing ring. O, and it's all for charadee baby! Grrreat.
Andrea Roche |
Yup. Despite dedicated amateur boxers such as Kenneth Egan & Katie Taylor spending every free second of their childhood and teenage years in the boxing gym honing their skills and mastering their fighting weights, after a mere few weeks of 'bootcamp' Ireland's new 'celebrity' types somehow had attained the pugilist perfection required to step into the ring and beat the bejasus out of each other... For charity... Not ratings... Of course...
Tara Leniston, Sophie Leniston |
Not that we're opposed to the concept of this new breed of 'celebrity' smacking each other about the face and neck repeatedly for our enjoyment, in fact we actively encourage them to do so. Hell, why not give them actual weapons such as spears and swords, and make it really interesting? It would totally prove Darwin's theory of Natural Selection and the Romans would sooo approve.
Emma O'Driscoll |
The City West recording of the finale of charadee Lords of the Ring went out last Saturday night with two celebs facing-off in the squared circle for the title... Well, we say 'celebs' when if fact what we mean was there was a businessman versus a journalist. Strangely the crowd was weighted heavily towards the female punter with the best and brightest of Irish models, actresses, singers and presenters there to see a ShowBiz journalist get beaten up. Understandable. It's a thankless job we do.
Lee Sharpe |
Not that we don't like, nay love, Paul 'ShowBiz' Martin and Sean 'The Dragon' Gallagher - but they're hardly celebrities now are they people? Well, maybe they are, under the loose modern day definition... The scrap went down, and despite our Paul taking it faaaar too seriously he lost out to the heavier older man Sean. Less talking, more punchin' Paulie lad.
Barry McGuigan |
Now it's all over we heard a rumour that they're planning a female version of the show. Wow! Now that's a far more interesting prospect that we can fully get behind... Why not get the Assets models and match them off against the Compton models with the winner getting to date an actual Rugby player or EVEN a minor male presenter off RTE 2? They'd only bleeeeedin' rip each other asunder so they would. O, we even have a name - 'Celebrity Foxy Boxing'... It's a total feckin' ratings winner folks. Fact.