Lovely Girls Day at The Horse Show...
If there's one thing that defines your modern Irish woman folks, we reckon it has to be their constant insecure and needy preoccupation to be judged solely on their outward appearance and not on how successful or intelligent they may be... Now for something completely different. It was Ladies Day at the Dublin Horse Show yesterday. Huzzah...
Amy Huberman |
Yet another big day-out for Irish horsey-types, yet another load of Irish women preened to within an inch of their lives in the desperate hope of being judged as The Best Dressed Lady at the Dublin Horse Show. The winner even gets a feckin' rosette like the ones the horses get! Yup. You guessed it, the Island of Ireland has become a massive Lovely Girls competition.
Joanne Byrne, Amy Huberman |
But at least there was one decently dressed lady at the Horse Show in the form of Amy Huberman. But then again she was the person judging and handing-out the much coveted BDL prize... Actually, wasn't our wee Amy a promising actress once upon a time? Hmmmmm...
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Yvonne Ellard (Best Dressed Lady) |
You'll be only delira to hear Yvonne Ellard was judged as Best Dressed Lady at the Horse Show 2010, although we're really not loving her outfit at all... Ooooo, after a quick Google of her name it turns out our Yvonne was Miss Ireland waaay back in the year 2000. Fancy that?
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Synan O'Mahony, Paul Morrissey (Best Dressed Man) |
And there was balance (of sorts) in the Best Dressed stakes people. Designer Synan O'Mahony awarded Paul Morrissey as Best Dress Man at the equine event. Strangely, the fella only gets 500 quid in prizes compared to 10k the female winner gets. Blatant sexism. Irish men demand equality.
Sarah McGovern |
Other than all the bestest dressed nonsense (does anyone even care that this was supposed to be a horse jumping gig?) there was a bit of an Arnotts (aint they gone bust?) fashion show featuring Assets models: Sarah McGovern, Sarah Morrissey, Asheena Naidoo, Naomi Cullen, Yomiko, and a few more...
Aisling O'Loughlin |
Ahem. Now we'd like to give out a few awards of our own folks... Worst Dressed Lady Who Should Better Know Better - Aisling O'Loughlin. Most Overly Colour Coordinated Lady - Danielle Hammond. Best Panda Shaped Handbag - Barbara McCarthy...
Danielle Hammond |
And the Horse Show 2010 Awards continue... Worst Jodhpurs Wearer Ever - Sarah McGovern. Most Satiniest Mother & Daughter Combo - Melina & Olga Skvortsova. Worst Rose of Tralee in a Really Pink Dress - Charmaine Kenny.
Barbara McCarthy |
Lastly we'd like to award OUR choice for Best Dressed Lady 2010... Drum Roll... Anne Doyle. Yup. Hot older lady and newsreader Anne Doyle managed to out-dress all these fillies folks, and she didn't need to wear one of those awfully feathery silly hat things. Anne Doyle rocks our world. Fact.
Melina Skvortsova, mother Olga Skvortsova |
Right. We're going back to editing the latest edition of The Misogynist's Guide to Media Misogyny Monthly... What? If you can't beat 'em...
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Charmaine Kenny (Rose of Tralee) |
Well done to the Best Dressed peeps and to all the horses and jumpers too... We're hoping somebody noticed all the nags hanging about the RDS... - the Lovely Girl Whisperer.
Anne Doyle |
Sarah Morrissey |
Asheena Naidoo |
Yomiko |
Naomi Cullen |
Karen Koster |
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Yvonne Ellard (Best Dressed Lady) |