W.W.I.B - Jenny Lee OR Anne D?
There's probably over 30 years in age difference between Assets model Jenny Lee Masterson and RTE Newsreader Anne Doyle. But that matters not dear reader when it comes to our infamous W.W.I.B. contests. Both Jenny Lee & Anne Dee recently wore very similar grey waist-tie dresses to separate events - but Who Wore It Best??
Jenny Lee Masterson V Anne Doyle |
Okay, so the dresses aint exactly the same, but at a quick glance there's not much difference between Jenny Lee Masterson's and Anne Doyle's outfits apart from JLM's black knee-high boots and AD's grey ankle-highs. We reckon both of 'em are smoking.
Anne Doyle |
But there's at least 30 years separating the stunning blonde model from the very well kept hot older RTE lady. But don't let age nor occupation cloud your crucially vital judgements. This question HAS to be answered...
Jenny Lee Masterson |
So folks, once again it's over to youse lot of mad feckers. Who Wore It Best - Jenny Lee Masterson OR Anne Doyle?