Morgan's Spiced Up Bucks...
What with it being the summer Shilly-Sheason and all that there aint nowt going-on by the way of ShowBiz. But at least there is no shortage of party peeps out on the town hitting the clubs. We caught up with super hot singer Morgan Deane and chums out at Bucks last weekend...
Morgan Deane |
Cork babe Morgan Deane first came to our attention a few years back when she made it to the finals of the X Factor. More recently, she hooked-up Michele McGrath and the rest of boy & girl outfit 'Industry'. They scored two Number One singles and a Scandinavian following, then without explanation the poptastic foursome went their separate ways... What happened there industry insiders?
Morgan Deane, Dave Murphy |
With the mysterious demise of Industry we thought we'd seen the last of our Morgan knocking around the Dublin social scene but with a lanky-local-lad by the name of Dave Murphy now permanently on her arm the singer is sticking around for the foreseeable.
Morgan Deane, Dave Murphy, Olivia Kenealy, Mark Kershaw |
Morgan D with pals Olivia Kenealy and Mark Kershaw were out at Buck Whaleys last Saturday night to celebrate big Dave's birthday in the VIP basement of the club. Apparently there was champers and cake all round.
Leah O'Reilly, Niall O'Brien, Hayley Ryan |
Other guests at the club hostessed by models Leah O'Reilly and Hayley Ryan included Irish cricketer Niall O'Brien (there are Irish cricketers?), Fidelma Breathnach, Avril O'Flynn, Niamh O'Leary, Julie Holmes, Aoife Royston, Orla Hanby, Georgianna Channon, Erica Moirera, Carolina Lopez, Flavia Ferezin, and quite a few more...
Hayley Ryan, Leah O'Reilly |
Well folks, the Silly Season is almost over and proper service will resume anon. It sure has been a slow few weeks around these here parts…
Fidelma Breathnach, Avril O'Flynn |
Niamh O'Leary |
Julie Holmes, Aoife Royston |
Orla Hanby, Georgianna Channon |
Erica Moirera, Carolina Lopez, Flavia Ferezin |
Hayley Ryan |
Morgan Deane |