Rozanna Is Universe's 7th Best...
Irish Beauty Queen Rozanna Purcell didn't quite win the Miss Universe crown in Las Vegas this week folks but she did get the seventh runner-up spot. Hmmm, 7th hottest female in the entire expanse of the infinite Universe? We'll settle for that...
Rozanna Purcell |
Despite immense odds in her favour Rozanna Purcell didn't quite rock the Universe at the inter-galactic finals in Vegas the other night. But she did reach the top ten which aint to be sniffed at folks. And we have to admit she sure was a stand-out beauty on the night... Still, we can't help remembering Captain Zapp Brannigan singing during the Futurama Miss Universe episode: "There IT is, Miss Universe... There IT is, looking weird..." Classic.
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Annnd we'd like to think that we had a wee bit of influence over Roza's Universal success considering our little feature on her blatant abuse of false tan at the Miss Universe Ireland finals caused a National scandal. Thus our gal toned it down a tad... Thanks.
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Well done Rozanna to all the Miss Universe Ireland organisers... We thought Miss Ukraine would take the crown but Miss Mexico, Jimena Navarrete, eventually pipped her to the post. What? We watched it. Big deal... We also sat through Daithi O'Se and his thick Kerry accent on The Rose of Tralee. He was only short of saying: "Doesn't Mary have a lovely bottom? Oh. Of Course... They all have lovely bottoms!" Only in Ireland folks.