Huzzah! It's Shamilton Baby...
Our quest to fill these hallowed pages during the notoriously quiet season (we blame Norris) has lead us down this path, advance apologies folks. Thus we've come up with another name for a couple of peeps we recently snapped - model Carl Shabaan and actress Audrey Hamilton. Say hello to Shamilton... Please make it stop...
Carl Shabaan, Audrey Hamilton |
He's Ireland's top male model with a 'fro that would put Sideshow Bob to shame (we hear it has its own Facebook page!) and she's the Irish actress fresh from RADA over in that London. Together they are Shamilton. Why? Coz there's feck all else to write about.
Audrey Hamilton |
We snapped handsome Carl & Audrey at the Irish Premiere of 'Super 8' at the Savoy this week (star studded or wha?), and let us just say at this stage, we're not even sure they're an actual couple folks. Yup. They may have been just standing beside one-another at the screening... Times be tough Jim lad.
Lorraine Keane |
Other guests at Super 8 included: Lorraine Keane, Aoibhin Garrihy, Ronan Collins, Jenni Murphy, Ciara Hanrahan, and more...
Aoibhin Garrihy |
So there you have it folks, another celeb moniker unlikely to catch-on, copyright us... Like, if no one tells us to stop we'll just keep on truckin'... If only Fade Street got recommissioned we'd have something to write about.
Ronan Collins |
Jenni Murphy, Ciara Hanrahan |