Get A Gay In The Aras...
Finally. An Irish political campaign we can get behind proper. Those right-wing bastards ran homosexual Senator David Norris right out of the race, but folks, we can still have a gay Irish President. Yup, yer only man - Gay Byrne! Roll it there Roisin...
Gay Byrne - IFTA Lifetime Achievement Award |
Being the media gawkers that we are, it was quite obvious that certain high-up people in Irish society were never gonna allow an openly gay man in The Aras. They raked and raked until they finally found the skeleton in David Norris' closet and thus the person the people wanted shall never El Presidente... We were feckin' mugged lads.
Gabriel Byrne, Gay Byrne, Bob Geldof |
But as Morrissey once said: "There is a Light that Never Goes Out" and that light is hope. Yes good people of Ireland we can still have a representative in the highest office in the land that actually IS representative. And that man is Gay Byrne. And before those swines go raking we already know Uncle Gaybo's middle name is Mary. Big deal, sure John Wayne's real name was actually Marion, and he was The Duke.
Gay Byrne, wife Kathleen Watkins |
Yup. Our Gaybo, a man who single-handedly changed Irish TV and society with The Late Late Show, has hinted he'd consider the job if he thought the people of Ireland wanted him to... Well Mr. Byrne, has somewhere in the region of 500,000 disaffected and embittered Irish readers who would gladly stand behind your presidential bid. In fact, we'd stand beside you... Come on Ireland, let's GET A GAY IN THE ARAS!