Coppers Got All VIPeed...
Who'd a thunk it folks? Copper Face Jacks has only gone and got all VIP on us. Yup. It's now vying for the Krystle crowd on Harcourt Street. Like, where are all the off-duty Gardas and nurses gonna hang-out and find love now? Surely this, over anything else, indicates the beginning of the end of the recession...
Pippa O'Connor |
Never in a million and three years would we have thought Copper Face Jacks wudda got all up-market and stuff. Sure why would they want the Dublin VIP crowd in quaffing champers on the premises when they're already packing in the civil servants and the students up-from-the-country seven days a week? Replacing the rites with the roishes.
Joan Palmer |
Anyways, like it or not, CFJ now has its own VIP area for Irish celebrity types to pop into and enjoy the high-life. Ah, we can just see Twink in one corner and Linda Martin in the other with high society journalists fluttering between the two... Daaarling.
Ruth Melody |
Last weekend saw the launch of the VIP room in Coppers with Claudine Palmer's mother Joan and brother Ronan among the pampered people behind the velvet rope. Now that Claudine’s an LA woman with her fella's new job in the States we're sure Harcourt Street will be seeing less and less of the duo. Aww. Shame.
Carla Mooney |
Other guests at the launch included: Pippa O'Connor, Carla Mooney, John Norton, Brian Ormond, Ruth Melody, Aoife Kelly, Sinead Kennedy, Zoe Doneville, Emma Cogan, Linda O'Neill, Aoife Ledwith, Emma Powderly, and many more...
John Norton, Brian Ormond |
So there you have it folks, the Celtic Tiger has been dead for nigh-on three years now and Copper Face Jacks has just gone up-market to attract what's left of the cream of Irish society. The world has gone mad... And we love it.
Aoife Kelly |
Ronan Palmer |
Sinead Kennedy |
Zoe Doneville |
Emma Cogan |
Linda O'Neill |
Aoife Ledwith, Emma Powderly |