Vogue Loves Us Again. Now For Georgia...
A week is sure a long time in the world of ShowBiz. Only a hand-full of days ago Vogue Williams wanted our blood over the whole 'Everybody Do The Vogue Shuffle' thing. Our bad? Well, it's back on folks, she loves little old ShowBiz.ie again. Now. How the hell are we gonna get forgiveness from The Salpa over 'Lipgate'...
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |
Any cynical doubters out there on the fence over the brand new Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams relationship need only look at our photos here to see all the pink fluffy love floating on the air between the doey-eyed duo. They're both kinked folks! No showmance here wethinks... Awww, aint they cute?
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |
Anyroad, our BriBri and our Vogue were up at the crack yesterday as Mr. McFadden was doing a 98fm Morning Crew stand-in DJ slot. And seeing as his fine lady spins discs for a living we're sure Vogue gave a helping hand with the aul tuuunes... Giving it large and all that.
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |
Now. We don't usually do mornings folks yet such is our affection for Brogue that we dispatched a snapper to grab a few frames of our new favourite celeb couple at first light. That's how committed to the game we are... And in no way was this set of pics just a fortunate chance happening after one of our mildly moist picture hounds woke up in a nearby ditch after a heavy night on the tiles. None at all... Hic!
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |
So. Turns-out all is good with ShowBiz.ie and Vogue Williams and she’s finally come around to our paparazzi way of working. No animosity at all... Phew! Brian even wants to turn The Vogue Shuffle into a global dance craze... Well, all the cool kids are doing it. Fact.
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |
Now that's resolved, all that's left is to build bridges with Georgia Salpa over those darn Lipgate pics... She was maaad at us folks... Oops! Hopefully her holiday in Jamaica with Calum Best will chill her mood with ShowBiz and get us back into her good books come home time... Although, we're not holding our breath...
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |