Ireland's Most Iconic Kiss, Loike Evvver?
It was the iconic kiss heard around the world folks. Yup. That very moment when Brian McFadden and his model mott Vogue Williams finally locked lips in public... One to tell your grandkids about... And of course, we were there to snap that very instant akin, nay even better than, the Marilyn Monroe skirt blowing photograph. History in the making so it was...
Brian McFadden & Vogue Williams |
Completely down to our constant pressure and media campaigning and virtually nothing else, the show everyone loves to hate and forgets to watch 'Fade Street' is baaaack. In a sort of where are they now? kinda vibe.
Brian McFadden & Vogue Williams |
Minus Dani Robinson, the whole FS cast was back yesterday channelling fabulousness and a lack of self awareness at several locations in the city centre under the non-scripted supervision of producers Stephen McCormack and John Norton... Happy. Much.
Brian McFadden & Vogue Williams |
Shooting went down at Dakota on South William Street and nearby Harrys Bar with Vogue Williams, Louise Johnston, and Cici Cavanagh joined by all new Fader Rozanna Purcell... Hey! Just occurred to us - now that none of the cast actually live on Fade Street, how come they're still calling it Fade Street? Someone get Broadcasting Standards on the line now!
Louise Johnston |
Former Westlife dude Brian McFadden was also around for the whole reality film shoot. Well, for the bits that his new bird Vogue was involved with... And our BriBri seemed to be enjoying a glass of Bulmers cider or two outside Harrys as his model DJ chatted to Lo-Jo across the table... Women chat, men drink. It's the way of the world.
Louise Johnston, Cici Cavanagh, Stephen McCormack, John Norton |
But as soon as filming stopped the partying began, as is the ShowBiz way... And in a very he's my man kind of move our Vogue plonked herself down on Brian's lap and snogged the head off him in plain sight of our snappers and the shot we've been waiting for was got! Well, he was sharing a table with Cici Cavanagh & Rozanna Purcell so the pecking-order had to be re-established.
Cici Cavanagh & Rozanna Purcell |
The celeb-session went on from the afternoon and into the evening as newlyweds Brian Ormond and Pippa O'Connor joined in at the Harrys Bar fun-o-rama. Brogue and Brippa. Like, where would you get it? Here. That's where. Right bloomin' here.
Cici Cavanagh, Rozanna Purcell and Lynn Kelly |
So there you have it folks, Fade Street is back filming, no thanks required. Just being close to these people is more than thanks enough we find... Although, without Dani Robinson we aint gonna get anymore of Fade Street's Paul telling everyone to f**k-off... Awww. Sad face.
Brian Ormond, Pippa O'Connor, Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |
Rozanna Purcell |
Brian Ormond, Pippa O'Connor |
Brian McFadden & Vogue Williams |
Brian McFadden & Vogue Williams |