Nicky De-Braced at Krystle...
Westlife's Nicky Byrne & the WWE's Sheamus O'Shaunessy festively partied at Krystle nightclub this weekend. Mr. Byrne was flashing his free from orthodontics pearly-whites after recently losing his braces. Oh, and we now know what he wants off Santy this Christmas – a new iPhone...
Nicky Byrne |
Westlife's token Dubliner (every boyband should have one) and all-round handsome father of two Nicky Byrne celebrated a festive Saturday night in the city centre with a troupe of pals at Krystle nightclub...
Nicky Byrne |
With his Apple iPhone gripped firmly in his hand the Nickser arrived at Krystle's VIP entrance around midnight ready to let-his-hair-down on the last Saturday night before Christmas Day 2008. And he wasn’t the only one, the city was jumping with revelers last weekend.
Nicky Byrne |
Anyone stuck on what Crimbo pressie to get the millionaire singer need look no further than his mobile phone. We spotted the star's iPhone had a smashed screen and looked pretty much banged-up.
Nicky Byrne & Friends |
We also noticed Nicky no longer has train-tracks in - not sure when he got his gnashers de-braced but he sure was proudly flashing his new smile... Diiing.
Sheamus O'Shaunessy |
Nicky wasn't the only BIG name at Krystle on Saturday night. Massive Irish WWE wrestler Sheamus O'Shaunessy was also at the nightspot after jetting home a few hours earlier to spend Christmas break with friends and family. Well, everyone needs a holiday away from twisting necks and breaking backs folks...
Sheamus O'Shaunessy |
Sheamus, or 'SOS' to fans, is the current WWE FCW world heavyweight champion and has been based in sunny Tampa Florida for the past two years. Obviously the ginger-giant is fond of the aul sun-screen from the colour of him. Factor 1000 at least.