Assets' Krystle Christmas Bash...
Move over Amy Winehouse and Kate Moss coz the world of celebrity is about to get another rebel. Breaking away from her perfect Barbie Doll image former Miss World Rosanna Davison went totally car-azy at the Assets Christmas party at Krystle last week - she ate a whole chip! Someone call the Priory...
Roz & Rosanna |
We reckon 2009 is going to be an interesting year for prim-and-proper beauty queen Rosanna Davison as she attempts to rebrand herself as a rebel-without-flaws. Well, we've been picking up on some of the strategic hints she's been dropping in media interviews of late - seems like our dear Rosy is trying to develop a bit of an edge. We say GREAT! She could do with letting loose of the Miss World reigns - but will Joe Public buy into a raunchier Rosanna D?
Roz & Rosanna |
Flirting suggestively and teasingly lessing-it-up with fellow model Roz for the amassed drooling cameramen at Assets Model Agency's Christmas party last week - Rosanna seemed like she was out to show all onlookers that she's going to leave her goody-goody-gumdrops image behind and really shake things up come 2009. About time too... She even ate hand-fed chips from hot gal-pal Roz and admitted to having a glass or two of vino before the photocall. Nuts, we know. What would her hunky boyfriend Wes say about these saucy shenanigans?
Roz & Rosanna |
Ro-Ro's car-aziness and penchant for anarchy didn't just manifest last week folks. Miss De Burgh also revealed in a recent press interview that she apparently once owned a fake ID and may have even accepted a drink from an older man in a nightclub when she was a teenage breakaway. The shock. The horror. The fabric of our very society is unraveling brothers and sisters. Slow it down Rosy baby. Pwease.
Roz & Rosanna |
If all that raunchy rebelliousness aint too much for ya - Rosanna also intimated in another press article we spotted that her feet apparently shrunk down to a size 7 as she blossomed into glorious womanhood. Yup. In a clipping Rosanna suggested she used to have to send away to the UK for shoes as her then massive plates-of-meat were too big to find decent ones-and-twos in Ireland. Miraculously, and by the grace of the modeling Gods, apparently her feet somehow grew smaller by two whole shoe sizes! We shite-you-not... Is there some bizarre diet or Pilates exercise out there that can make you lose a few inches off your feet? Inquiring minds and all that...
Ruth O'Neill, Sarah McGovern |
Apart from Rosanna doing her best James Dean (she's a total ledge folks), the Assets Xmas bash was an all-round model-tastic affair with loads lovely ladies and semi-famous faces everywhere our exhausted snappers turned. A veritable conveyor belt of lovely-girlness.
Glenda Gilson |
We even had a tanned and trim looking Glenda Gilson at the party. The Glenda is still considered as one of Ireland's top models despite her switching jobs over to TV presenting with the Xpose girls... She aint half-bad at it either.
Brian Ormond, Pippa O'Connor |
Model Pippa O'Connor and her RTE beau Brian Ormond also enjoyed the Assets festivities last Thursday night... Apparently the two lovers are planning to move-in together in the New Year. Wouldn't it be great if Rosanna and her fella Wesley became their house-mates and rented a spare room? A hit Reality TV show in the making there folks.
Karena Graham |
Other well known hot-totty at Assets' sponsored by Charlestown Shopping Centre shindig included: Ruth O'Neill, Sarah McGovern, Karena Graham, Julie Kavanagh, Michele McGrath, Baiba Gaile, Georgia Salpa, Blathnaid McKenna, and Kristy Kuudisim...
Amy Ronning, Karen Sutton, Naomi Cullen |
And on that point, who gets their Christmas party sponsored anyways? You would think Assets would give their girls a night off away from the cameras to let it all-hang-out after busting their toned arses all year... Apparently not. Seems your modern Irish model is always on folks, even at Christmas. At least they didn't break-out at the cheesy Santy hats.
Julie Kavanagh |
Other pretty Assets faces to watch-out for in 2009 on show at the Krystle bash included: Cheryl O'Rourke, Katie Larmour, Nadia Forde, Karolina Tomasiall & Angelina Tomasiall, and Kerry Nicole...
Michele McGrath |
There were far too many models on show at the Assets Christmas party 2008 at Krystle to keep rattling-on here... So we've posted most of the ones that caught our eye for your perusal. Enjoy.
Baiba Gaile |
Oh, and if this happens to be the last feature we post before Crimbo - have a good one folks! We intend to. Hic.
Kristy Kuudisim |
Cheryl O'Rourke |
Karolina Tomasiall, Sebastian Chenaski, Angelina Tomasiall |
Georgia Salpa, Blathnaid McKenna |
Katie Larmour, Nadia Forde |
Kerry Nicole |