The Glenda is the New Lady in Red...
On the rounds last night our snappers stopped by The Baileys Red Bow Ball and bumped into Glenda Gilson wearing THAT giant red bow gown last seen on Rosanna Davison and last seen on Kim Cattral before that. We don't know fashion folks but we know what we don't like...
Christian Hughes, Glenda Gilson, Darragh Byrne |
As bad fashion choices go we reckon wearing a cumbersome giant red bow (anywhere outside of Halloween) is up there with the worst of 'em. It just doesn't scream elegance or classy now does it folks? Well there's a big media hullabaloo around this Red Bow Ball gown at the moment coz a few celebs wore it – and it's due to be auctioned off on eBay soon we hear...
Christian Hughes, Glenda Gilson, Darragh Byrne |
Former model and Xpose front woman Glenda Gilson modelled the gown (Rosanna will snap!) at a bash at No. 15 St Stephens Green last night with two of Santa's Little Helpers by her side... Our verdict: meh, we prefer her in leggins and Ugg Boots.