Not Movember, it's Modvember...
M-day came a few days ago when all moustached fellas (and felines) had to shave off their charity fanny ticklers grown especially for the month of Movember. But when we turned up late at the de-taching event in Tripod all we saw were a group of hairless lipped Assets models playing with their maracas...
Hayley Ryan, Louise Kavanagh |
If you've been wondering what the story is all lads walking around with hairy upper lips last month, well folks, it was all in aid of Movember with all monies raised going towards men's health issues, specifically prostate cancer awareness.
Georgia Salpa, Adrienne Murphy, Lynn Kelly, Leah O'Reilly |
The official de-moustaching ceremony went down in Tripod t'other night but with all the running around and what not our snapper turned up late and only had loverly Assets girlies Hayley Ryan, Louise Kavanagh, Georgia Salpa, Adrienne Murphy, Lynn Kelly and Leah O'Reilly to snap. Awwww. Frick!
Georgia Salpa |
But we're glad to see all photocall queens on show had upper lips as smooth as babies' arses... Not a stache to be seen anywhere... Not even a Hitler nor a Handlebar. All Brazilianed so they were...
Lynn Kelly |
Even with all the Assets babes there in Tripod shaking their maracas we felt there was someone missing as we had Assketeers Louise Kavanagh and Georgia Salpa but sadly NO Nadia Forde. Darn, we almost had a all three of Ireland's top models in one location.
Adrienne Murphy |
With all the hype generated on these pages we're assuming that it now costs big bucks to book all three Assketeers for the same photocall - but could you only imagine it folks? Louise, Nadia AND Georgia all in the same photo frame? Possibly all three in teeny-weeny bikinis? We don't think there's a digital camera in manufacture today that could handle all that rampant female hotness.