Samantha Mumba Home For Xmas...
Ireland's original pop princess Samantha Mumba is back home in Dublin at the moment with her handsome American beau Torray Scales by her side to meet the in laws. We exclusively caught-up with the hit singer and actress at RTE studios yesterday...
Samantha Mumba |
There's nothing like a bit o' Santy Claus to bring our best known celebos home to Ireland for Christmas. We hear Colin Farrell and Brian McFadden both intend to bring their young families home for the Yuletide period, Cork lad Cillian Murphy was also spotted around Dublin city yesterday having a few cheery Christmas pints with friends.
Samantha Mumba & Torray Scales |
Following in that Gaelic tradition is one-time pop chart topper and box office smasher Samantha Mumba who took a trip back to her birth place this week with her long term BF Torray Scales. The Gotta Tell You singer has been living-it-up in the States for the past few years.
Samantha Mumba & Torray Scales |
We caught up with our stunning Sam out at RTE yesterday, with super sexy celebrity booking agent Tara Sinnott, as she pre-recorded tonight's series of The Cafe alongside Rugby pundit and all round potato headed mouth-piece George Hook...
Tara Sinnott, Samantha Mumba |
It seems Miss Mumba is back over this side of the water away from her LA home to record a much awaited music video directed by her younger brother Omero no less. AND we hear Mariah Carey is due to make a cameo appearance. Yup, you guessed it folks, Samantha Mumba is about to make her feckin' comeback... Finally!
Samantha Mumba |
We didn't get any more info on Mumba's quest to return to the pop charts after recently receiving a top one-hit-wonder status award in the USA, but we'll be checking out The Cafe tonight to get all the goss and hopefully find-out how she's managing to make a living away from the lime-light...
Samantha Mumba |
Welcome home Sammy girl, it's been a while... Don't leave it so long next time, you never even write. Humph.
George Hook |