Misfits At BScene Xmas Party...
BScene took first blood in the annual war of the Dublin model agency Christmas parties last night. Not only did they capture the old Cocoon venue, now Noo Bar, for their festive bash - they also had Ireland's hottest young actor in the form of Robert Sheehan, from Channel 4's Mistfits, present at their do...
Ally Garvey |
About this time every year Dublin's top model agencies go all out and get all the leggy ladies on their books out for a Christmas drink and a good old knees-up... It's a proper Irish tradition folks.
Robert Sheehan |
Last night the BScene Agency scored an early media coup over their main modeltastic competitors and had their annual Yuletide party in Noo Bar. Apparently Tuesday night is model night.
Hannah Flettery |
And with BScene male model Brendan Sheehan due at the bash there was always the chance that his handsome actor brother Robert Sheehan might show his face... Those of you in the know will know that our Robert is the next one to watch with rave reviews for his popular character in Channel 4's Misfits. Move over Colin Farrell and Cillian Murphy.
Brendan Sheehan & brother Robert Sheehan |
Other gorgeous guests at the pretty person party included: Ali McDonnell, Elaine Crowley, Izabela Chudzicka, Aoife Hogan, Dervla Hogan, Ally Garvey, Mimi Inoma, Paulina Mastalska, Sean Montigue, Brendan Scully, Hannah Flettery, Alan Amsby, and many more...
Ali McDonnell |
So there you have it folks, the hot ladies and gentlemen from BScene have got the festive party season off with a bang. All that's left now is Assets, Compton, De Havalland, Rogue, First Option, Morgan, etc, etc... It's gonna be a busy week.
Mimi Inoma, Paulina Mastalska |
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Alan Amsby (Mr Pussy) |
Aoife Hogan, Dervla Hogan |
Elaine Crowley |
Izabela Chudzicka |
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Sean Montigue & Brendan Scully (BScene Owners) |