A Farreller Krystle Wedding...
There's very few things that will drag us out of our well-earned Christmas funk and have our paps wandering the streets with cameras primed a looking for celebs. But last night the rare return of reformed badboy actor Colin Farrell to these shores was just too tantalizing a prize that it dragged us away from yet another cold turkey and stuffing (with mayo) sambo...
Colin Farrell & son James Farrell |
We broke our Christmas vow of celebrity abstinence last night when our avid snap-force ventured as far as Krystle to bang-out a few frames of Colin Farrell and the greater Farreller clan at Eamon Farrell and Steven Mannion's much belated wedding reception. We work harder than Santy. Fact.
Steven Mannion, Eamon Farrell |
For the handsome same-sex couple tied the knot earlier in the year in Canada or some other such far flung place where such things are legal. Is same-sex marriage still illegal here in Catholic Ireland? If so, get off yer arses government types and sort it. And while you're at it legalise abortion, the right to die, and anything else non-secular influenced. It's nearly 2010 for feck sake.
Steven Mannion, Eamon Farrell |
Anyroad, our Colo Farrell flew home for the festive party with his wee US based son James in his protective arms and gave him his first taste of a good aul Irish wedding knees-up in Krystle.
Claudine Farrell |
Colin and Eamon weren't the only branches of the Farrell family tree hanging at the Harcourt Street bash - mother Rita, sisters Claudine & Catherine, and auntie Martina Fox were also prominent peeps at the party.
Rita Farrell |
Other sexy guests we spotted at the Krystle reception included: Morah Ryan, Joanne Byrne, Jim Fitzpatrick, Robbie Fox, Susan Loughnane, Roberta Rowat, Rachel Kavanagh, and many more...
Catherine Farrell |
So there you have it folks, Eamon Farrell and Steven Mannion had their civil union blessed and celebrated by family and friends in Krystle last night... Proper order too, congrats lads.
Morah Ryan |
Hopefully going forward from 2010 we will see gay marriages not just celebrated but actually given equal legal recognition by the Irish State. It's a sad state of affairs that in 2010 our fellow citizens will have to travel abroad to have their basic civil rights respected and recognized.
Martina Fox |
Robbie Fox |
Joanne Byrne |
Susan Loughnane |
Roberta Rowat |
Rachel Kavanagh |
Colin Farrell & son James Farrell |