Katie Brings Christmas To Laras...
Ah we're full of Christmas cheer and nonsense now that Katie Price kicked off the Yuletide Season, which is tradition in these here parts. Like, imagine Crimbo without Jordan's massive bean-bags? Well folks, it all happened at Lara's Boutique on Dame Lane last night...
Katie Price aka Jordan |
Katie Price, really really really IS every pap's dream. Like, we get it publicised up the wazoo that she's gonna be at The Lara's Boutique Christmas party. Then she turns up late, bails in the door with 90 lads around her, and not a feckin' sniff of a snap... Oh the joy!
Katie Price aka Jordan, Lara Casey |
Then she hides inside the store completely out of camera range for the whole night, only to appear for a second hidden behind a slew of entourage on the way out. Like, why bother? If Katie Price doesn't want to be snapped, then Katie Price should go to Lara's Boutique incognito on a night when the press aren’t invited. Not after it's been announced in every newspaper and the dog in the street knows she's turning up... Janey Mack!
Holly Carpenter |
Annnyways, we got a frame or two of the over publicised 'model' as she left, and on seeing her close-up in the flesh you'd have to wonder what all the bloody fuss is about? Nothing to write home about folks. We heard someone at the party mutter: "rough as a bear's arse!" We think we know who they were talking about...
Hazel O'Sullivan |
YUP. 'Twas the annual Christmas Party and new stock reveal at Lara's Boutique on Dame Lane last night with a decent discount for all... And apart from yer wan Jordan, everyone else seemed quite happy to pose for the ShowBiz.ie cameras... Thank fook!
Gillian Noone, Tiffany Stanley |
Guests at Lara's included: Holly Carpenter, Hazel O'Sullivan, Pamela Ryan, Jocelyn Gray, Carla Jackson, Ciara Hughes, Ciara Hughes, Virginia Macari, Maria Fusco, Joanne Martin, Alison Canavan, Bernie Cafolla, and many more...
Pamela Ryan |
So there you have it folks, Katie Price came to Dublin amid much fanfare, then put on the whole I don't wanna be snapped act... You'd think at this stage we'd have copped on? Nah. We'll be there next year getting snubbed again... Suckers for punishment.
Carla Jackson |
Ciara Hughes |
Virginia Macari, Maria Fusco |
Joanne Martin |
Alison Canavan |
Bernie Cafolla |
Pamela Ryan, Jocelyn Gray |