Sharon's New Blonde Ambition...
When Kian Egan & Louis Walsh's ill-fated Wonderland girlband experiment went to the wall not so long ago folks, we thought that'd be the last we'd ever hear from the gals. Not so. Last weekend saw Sharon Condon go mad with the bottle of bleach and relaunch herself as a sexy solo singer...
Sharon Condon |
There's no doubt that anyone in the ShowBiz world who has made anything of themselves has had to deal with dozens of doses of failure and rejection... Like, some hopefuls start to believe their name actually is NEXT they hear it so often... NEXT!
Sharon Condon, Leigh Learmont |
But the ones that finally do make-it just keep at it and don't ever give-up folks. So fair play to Sharon Condon who has dealt with her Wonderland band being dropped by getting right back on the horse and is going for it again. Class.
Sharon Condon, Michele McGrath |
Last weekend our Shazza showcased her new material and new style at Bucks with a little help from her BFF Michele McGrath. Those of you in the know will know that Michele was supposed to be one of the original members in Wonderland until a rumoured bit of politics pushed her to the sidelines.
Sharon Condon |
And even though Wonderland have only been disbanded a short time busy bee Sharon Condon has made the first attempt to get her singing career going again. Saying that, she was also joined by former Wonderland singer Leigh Learmont on stage for a number at Bucks. Quickest reunion tour ever.
Chloe Swaby, Sharon Condon, Leigh Learmont |
Sharon Condon was supported on the night by the talented Chloe Swaby. Other guests on the night included family, friends, and music industry types.
Sharon Condon & Mark Adams |
So there you have folks, Sharon Condon is now blonde and reaching for the stars once again - we wish her the best. Ah sure, all you have to do to get a Number One these days is record Damien Rice's Cannonball, and Bob's your uncle... Topical.
Sharon Condon with mother Linda Condon & brothers Gordon & Nathan Condon |
Sharon Condon |