Southsiders Stray At Xmas...
They brought us Fade Street, Celebrity Salon, Brian & Pippa Get Married, and the all new Southside Housewives. Yet, they're still walking around streets as free citizens. Irish Law eh? Yup. We're talking about the good people at Straywave Media, they had their glam Christmas bash this week...
Lisa Murphy & Virginia Macari |
Many people may think that the creative team behind Straywave Media should be locked up and the keys thrown away into a dark pit for crimes against television. We totally disagree with that folks. Sure, they'd only make a Reality TV Show about the experience called 'Celebrity Prison Visits'. O crap, we've probably just given them an idea for a new show.
Georgia Salpa, Louise Johnston |
We are kidding of course. We're not knocking the likes of John Norton and Stephen McCormack and their new breed of TV producer contemporaries. 'Tis the way of the world these days as these types of 'Reality' shows are relatively cheap to make and draw audiences and sponsors alike. And don't even attempt to suggest they're scripted.
Lisa Murphy & Gerald Kean |
This week saw Straywave throw their Christmas party at Harrys Bar. The very same place where Vogue met Brian, and Georgia first flirted Calum. Yup. They should give that venue an official bronze plaque with "Fade Street Filmed Here" written on it. Think of those tourist dollars.
Georgia Salpa, Rozanna Purcell, Louise Johnston, Lynn Kelly |
The festive party saw members of Fade Street mix with the Catwalk to Kilimanjaro lot. And Brian & Pippa hang with the Southside Housewives who we hear consist of Lisa Murphy, Virginia Macari, Jo Jordan, and Danielle Meagher. Nice.
Georgia Salpa, Pippa O'Connor |
Now. We don't know all that much about the new Southside Housewives show other than the lovely ladies rumoured to be involved... We're thinking it will be like a grown-up version of Fade Street except posher and with lots and lots and lots of bling. O and more luxury SUVs than you could swing a stick at.
Jessie Lingham |
Right. Guests at the Straywave Christmas party included: Georgia Salpa, Rozanna Purcell, Louise Johnston, Lynn Kelly, Brian Ormond, Pippa O'Connor, Emily McKeogh, Louise Loughman, Leigh Learmont, Lisa Murphy, Virginia Macari, Jo Jordan, Danielle Meagher, Jessie Lingham, Jenny Dixon, Cici Cavanagh, Gerald Kean, Shane Gillen, Karl Ffrench, Jessie Ward O'Sullivan, Helen O'Reilly, Nikki Sheridan, and many more...
Louise Loughman |
So there you have it folks. Straywave Media heads into 2012 with TV shows coming out of their ears, and long may it continue. We wish them much success... Now, if only they made something we could actually watch. All the way through. To the end.
Leigh Learmont |
Jenny Dixon |
John Norton, Gareth Gunnigle |
Jessie Ward O'Sullivan, Helen O'Reilly, Nikki Sheridan |
Cici Cavanagh |
Georgia Salpa |