Stuart & Charlize Battle in Seattle Irish Premiere...
Howth boy done good Stuart Townsend and his ever so sexy partner / girlfriend / wife of sorts Charlize Theron graced the Savoy cinema this week for their movie: 'Battle in Seattle'...
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
No matter how many times the press ask Stuart 'luckiest man alive' Townsend if he and his better half are married he always dodges the question...
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
With coy "we're not married in the eyes of God, but we consider ourselves husband and wife" type answers, we reckon our Stu should just get down on one knee and do the right thing.
Charlize Theron |
Just a reminder for you Mr. Townsend - SHE'S CHARLIZE FECKIN' THERON! What are you holding out for, someone better? Don't think that's gonna happen fella...
Charlize Theron |
Give us all a day out Stu, and a decent excuse for your dear old Ma to buy a new hat! Dum Dum Dee Dumm, Dum Dum Dee Dumm... Ahem...