Dozy Rosy V The Glenda : Oh, IT'S ON!
Ireland's two top models Glenda Gilson & Rosanna Davison seemed to be getting competitive in the old height department at the U23D afterparty in the Jameson Distillery... Cheeky Rosy committed the ultimate model sin and stood up on her tippy-toes to tower over her catwalk compatriot. Heads-up folks, this means war...
Glenda Gilson, Rosanna Davison |
IT'S A WALKOFF, It's a walkoff. Stilettos at dawn and eyebrow tweezers at high noon... Rosanna 'The Spanish Train' Davison has laid the gauntlet down at Glenda 'I'm single, I swear' Gilson's feet.
Glenda Gilson, Rosanna Davison |
Last night at the U2 party, the models posed for what seemed on the surface a friendly photo. But when we looked closer The Glenda was wearing flats whereas Dozy Rosy (her bebo name) was wearing gargantuan heels...
Glenda Gilson, Rosanna Davison |
And to add insult to injury, Rosanna stood up on her tippy-toes to get another extra inch on Gillo! In the competitive business of modelling this is a throw-down people. An invite to fisty-cuffs.
Glenda Gilson, Rosanna Davison |
Batten down the hatches friends. And be afraid, be very afraid. This one is gonna get messy. Our money is on The Glenda coming out on top, she's a tough Castleknock gal whereas Rosy was raised in a real feckin' castle!