IFTA Celebrity Hitch-Hiker Award Goes To: Lorraine Keane...
Here at ShowBiz Ireland we're noticed a certain phenomenon amongst members of the Irish media. A phenomenon we're calling "Celebrity Hitch-Hiking." It occurs when a journalist or a TV presenter or an Up-and-Comer grabs a well known celeb and hitches their wagon to the stardust emanating from their far-more-famous target, thus stealing a tiny twinkle of their limelight. At this year's IFTAs we're giving the CHH Award to TV3's Xpose presenter Lorraine Keane for sticking out her thumb and catching a ride with Bo Derek...
Lorraine Keane, Bo Derek |
RTE's Kathryn Thomas may have stolen Lorraine Keane's thunder by winning the TV Personality of the Year award at the IFTAs this year. But there was no way in hell she was going to get the Celebrity Hitch Hiker Award away from Keano at the Shelbourne after party...
Kathryn Thomas |
As a glowing-in-her-own-splendor Kathryn Thomas emerged from her car at the plush Shelbourne hotel, clutching her golden bounty, she must have thought she was the cat-that-got-the-cream. But Lorraine 'I was doing ShowBiz when you were in nappies' Keane still had an ace to play.
Xpose Girls: Karen Koster, Aisling O'Loughlin, Lisa Cannon |
As her defeated and dejected Xpose co-presenters looked to their leader for inspiration in their time of greatest need, Lorrie grabbed the nearest celebrity in a headlock (in this case Bo Derek) and said: "Hey snappers! Come to Mammy." And they did.
Karen Koster, Hector, Aisling O'Loughlin, Ryan Tubridy, Lisa Cannon |
The rest of the Irish TV presenting fraternity just stood back and watched in awe as Mrs. O’ShowBiz did her thing. It's thought Ryan Tubridy even turned to Hector O’Gobsheen with a tear of admiration in his eye and said: "Just watch her son. One day that could be you... One day."
Kathy Hoffman, Rene Russo |
But the story doesn't end there. Oh, no friends. A newcomer to the world of Irish TV presenting, Kathy Hoffman, wanted some of the action. In one flawless move she CHH'd Lethal Weapon star Rene Russo with total and utter abandon.
Kathy Hoffman, Rene Russo |
Tired of the anonymity that comes with working on City Channel, Kathy deftly stepped out of the shadows and hung on to Rene like they were childhood friends, grabbing every drop of celebrity luster that fell from her brow. This was her moment to shine.
Kathy Hoffman, Rene Russo |
Like a veteran Kathy showed Lorraine and the Xpose gals a thing or two about what real Celebrity Hitch Hiking is about. Grabbing Russo around the neck in a death-hold any professional wrestler would be proud of, kissing her like she was long lost sister. It really was a beautiful thing to behold. We were just proud to have witnessed such a rare moment... Kathy Hoffman is a true Artist of the game and we are merely her Muse.
Kathy Hoffman, Rene Russo |
Alas dear friends, we can't give the IFTA CHH 2008 Award to Kathy Hoffman as we've never actually seen nor heard of the City Channel. But if we had, sure there'd be laurels heading her way... So all you journos, hacks and TV presenters out there, get back into Celeb Hitch Hike training and make sure you corral the next celebrity you see into a photo. In 2009 - it could be YOU.