Colin Farrell's Ring Cleared Up...
Here at ShowBiz Ireland we've always prided ourselves as being a bastion of the truth in the murky quagmire of shoddy tabloid journalism. Thus, we got right to the bottom of the recent Colin Farrell ring debacle. And we didn't have to go all the way to Mordor with two bloody Hobbits to solve this one either. JRR Tolkien take note.
Colin Farrell |
You may or may not be aware of a tatty piece of lazy reporting in the papers recently were it was claimed that Colin 'not a badboy, a goodboy' Farrell had spent over 10,000 dollars purchasing wedding rings for his handsomer & hunkier brother Eamon and his partner Steven...
Colin Farrell |
You are? Well done. But alas, like so many other celebrity stories the facts have been lost in translation. And like Judge Judy on Redbull we're here to tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth. So, help us David Icke.
Steven Mannion & THE RING |
The real story isn't as exciting but none the less romantic. As it was Eamon Farrell Jr himself, who purchased, and paid for the ring he presented to his fella Steven Mannion... Nout to do with our Col.
Eamon Farrell Jr, Steven Mannion, Rita Farrell |
How do we know? We hear you grunt. We got it from the horse's mouth, that's where! (Hope Eamon doesn't mind being compared to a horse.) Chatting to Eamo Junior recently he said: "I don't know where the papers got the story that Colin bought our rings?" He went on: "It’s ridiculous. Of course I bought them, I have my own money. Absolutely nothing to do with Colin."
Colin Farrell |
We caught up with Eamon and the whole Farrell clan (fantastic hair, all of them) recently at the 'In Bruges' premiere in The Savoy. And, apart from the Farrellers, a good few good peeps related to the movie attended. Namely: Graham Broadbent, Clemence Poesy, Brendan Gleeson and the bould Martin McDonagh...
Clemence Poesy |
Interestingly, Col's insanely hot sister Claudine was at the Irish movie premiere brandishing a camcorder. The cheeky brunette was hell bent on turning-the-tables on the poor defenseless paparazzi present – she only went and pointed the camera at our boys!
Claudine Farrell |
What? Point a camera at us?? Hell, we didn't sign-up for this. Now that Claudine has a record of ShowBiz Ireland snappers’ wee faces, we know its only a matter of time before we're exposed for the charlatans we are and black-listed.
Claudine Farrell |
We've been getting away with anonymity for nearly decade now. No doubt she'll have us all over You Tube, MySpace & Bebo. Hey Claudine! Point that thing somewhere else. We’re camera shy.
Colin Farrell, Clemence Poesy |
Latest news in on the Colin Farrell front is that the Castleknock actor is being lined-up to take over from the late Heath Leger in film The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus...
Martin McDonagh |
The Farreller told the press: "I will be honored to be part of that. It makes me feel uncomfortable to think about it too much and to get into it, but it's an incredibly painful honour to have, an honour I wish wasn't bestowed, but an honour none-the-less."
Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson |
So watch this space. We'll keep you up to date on the career, life, and loves of Colin Farrell. And more importantly, get to the real truths behind these mad tabloid stories... Where do they get their information?