The Farreller Rocks 'Traveller Chic'...
Ireland's bit-of-rough Colin Farrell has become a global fashion icon. Why? Coz we said so. Looking like a veritable homage to the main character in the movie 'Snatch', The Farreller has Traveller Chic, so he has boss...
Colin Farrell |
Colin 'periwinkle blue scatter cushions' Farrell is back. With pep, vigour and hunger burning in his brown eyes he's finally out there again. Doing the chat shows, cursing like a sailor on leave, growing beards, wearing Tribly hats... Yes, Trilby hats, ripped jeans, beat-up-boots, overcoats and fingerless gloves. It's Traveller Chic baby
Colin Farrell |
In our infinitesimal wisdom we've decided (coz we're authorities you know) that Colin 'I’ll do the fight for free' Farrell is a global fashion icon. With his played down threads, casual demeanor and the Divil-may-care attitude he's made it cool to be rough and ready. Trendy or wha?
Colin Farrell |
Sure if he knocked on your door looking like this, you'd half expect him to be selling you lino or asking if you wanted your driveway tarmac'd. This look was best illustrated, we feel, when Brad Pitt played Irish gypsy bare-knuckle-boxer Mickey in the hilarious movie Snatch - back when Guy Richie had a promising movie career. I eefin' hate Pikeys.
Colin Farrell |
We're calling this look 'Traveller Chic'. Remember it. Next time someone calls you scruffy or a doorman refuses you from a club coz your shoes are bunched and banging, tell them: "it's a bleedin' fashion statement boss." Scruffy is the new black. FACT.