Hot Irish Babes Fill The Streets...
Despite teeming rain the streets of Dublin were only awash with Ireland's hottest babes yesterday afternoon - we're talking models, actresses, TV presenters and, erm, models. Check out what Rosanna Davison, Amanda Byram, Leigh Arnold, and Georgia Salpa were up to. Come on, you know you want to...
Rosanna Davison |
On the travels of our outrageously inept and most likely drunk snap-force yesterday - our lads somehow managed to stumble across a right few top class Irish celebrity female types. And all within a few yards and a few minutes of each other. T'was like shooting fish in a barrel folks. A veritable cornucopia of lovely ladies. Behold our bounty...
Rosanna Davison |
First off we caught-up with front-page regular and former Miss Omniverse Rosanna Davison looking far too glamorous and blindingly blingy for a workout in Paul Byrne's BodyByrne gym. Seriously - is there a sunglasses and gold stiletto dress code at the rather exclusive City Centre fitness studio? Just kidding folks. Our Rosie was on her way from some photocall or another and was still in total fab mode – or so she told our war weary snapper. So no slagging her okay? She was wearing her work fatigues.
Amanda Byram |
And not too far away from our tanned and toned Rosie Dee was Total Wipeout presenter and all round ledge Amanda Byram. We spotted the former model over at Today FM studios looking far less glam than her fellow Irish beauty. But in fairness to Mandy, most ladies on the most glamorous day of their lives, would look far less glam than Miss Davison even in her gardening clothes. We hear she has a vast collection of designer Wellington Boots that would put Imelda Marcos to shame.
Amanda Byram |
Moving on and just a few mins away from Amanda Byram, one of our hunchbacked paps bumped into Clinic actress Leigh Arnold (is she or isn't she single?) looking uber trendy in a flatcap and carrying a Zara bag. Our Leigh was legging it down Grafton Street to avoid the drizzling rain and NOT the smelly snapper. Honestly.
Leigh Arnold |
And speaking of the rain - just a mere few feet away at St Stephen’s Green was the Grecian vision which is Assets model Georgia Salpa. Poor Georgie was struggling with an uncooperative umbrella and still managing to look fairly hot... Actually, we thought as one of the leading members of The Assketeers she wasn't allowed to pose for anymore? Does this mean we're back en vogue? Someone get us Nadia Forde loike right now.
Georgia Salpa |
Anyways, super shapely Georgia was in a wee rush as she had to make a mad dash to the ATM to grab a few Euros to pay a rather patient taxi man waiting nearby. You see folks? It's not all red carpets, stretch limos and champagne cocktails when you're one of Ireland's top models...
Georgia Salpa |