Soderbergh Films Knockout in Dublin...
The poor aul Grannies and Grandads on Upper Abbey Street didn't know what was going on this week when Steven Soderbergh's 'Knockout' SWAT squad came charging down the Northside boulevard with their semi automatic guns out. Actually, scratch that, they're probably well used to armed Garda running around the place with the state of Dublin these days crowded with gangbanging gangsters and zombie loads of junkies on every corner begging and thieving. A town in an unchecked crime free-fall folks. Sure you can even kill your wife and be out in about 4 years to squander her fortune should the mood take ya...
Steven Soderbergh |
With top films like 'Traffic', 'Solarus', the 'Ocean' trilogy under his belt Hollywood director Steven Soderbergh sure packs a punch when it comes to making movies. And it just so happens that the talented chappie is in wee Dublin town at the moment.
Steven Soderbergh |
He's here to shoot the Irish leg of Hollywood spy thriller 'Knockout' with martial artist Gina Carano taking on the lead role and no doubt kicking much arse in the flick which also stars the likes of Channing Tatum, Ewan McGregor, Michael Douglas, Michael Fassbender and Antonio Banderas. Impressive or what? We just hope some of that lot are due to shoot scenes here before the production moves off to foreign climes.
Knockout SWAT Squad |
We caught-up with Soderbergh shooting some rooftop scenes around the Abbey Street area this week which involved some sort of SWAT type armed Garda squad running around the place after bad guys and looking right tough. Great to see our bhoys-in-blue chasing after criminals even if it's all pretend... It's only a matter of time before murder, sorry manslaughter, is actually legal in Ireland folks. Only a matter of time.
Steven Soderbergh |