Smile Lads, Sure You're On
Is this possibly the saddest picture ever posted on here folks? Well, is it?? Like, we don't know what had Jim Sheridan and Brenda Fricker looking so glum this week at the IFI - the two of them looked sadder than Bagpuss on a wet Monday morning after being notified of an impending Revenue audit. Smile lads, sure you're in the movies for feck sake...
Brenda Fricker, Jim Sheridan |
Between Jim Sheridan and Brenda Fricker they have one Oscar and six Academy Award nominations, lifetimes of working in the industry they both love, and numerous great films under their belts that will live on long after them... So you think they'd be a little bit more cheery when they attended a screening of 'The Field' in the IFI this week? Apparently not... Someone's a sad panda.
Brenda Fricker, Jim Sheridan |
We don't know what had them looking so downcast folks, perhaps some bad news had just reached them that it was in fact the other leg that Christy Brown had better control of? Like, My Right Foot just doesn't have the same ring to it... Ah will yis ever just smile there now lads.