It's Rosanna Mark II...
We've heard reports in the Oirish meeja that our very own lovely Rosanna Davison has only gone and got her kit offski for Playboy. Like, all of it! Now, we're not gonna condone that sort of nudie thing, but it seems the whole experience has put a new wee spring in the step of the former Miss World...
Rosanna Davison |
If all the rumours about Rosie Dee whipping off her unmentionable for aul Hugh Heffner turn out to be true, then we're a little confused as to her motives for going the whole hog. But hey, whatever she's been doing of late, it does seem to have given her a new air of confidence. And we're all for that.
Rosanna Davison |
Our Rosie was snapped this week over in that Cologne doing a bit of modelling for German sweetie giant Lambertz at their annual Monday Night Party. Looking absolutely stunning may we add, and maybe a bit looser with the camera than we're used to.
Rosanna Davison |
So folks, maybe her bare skin experience with Playboy has lifted the heavy weight of the Miss World title off her shoulders and freed her from its stigma? We always felt that the whole Miss Worldliness aura around her kinda restricted her real personality from coming across.
Rosanna Davison |
Eitherway, we love this set of pictures, they seem to show much more versatility and freedom in front of the camera than we're used to from Rosanna... Maybe burning her bra for Playboy has liberated Ireland's First Lady? If so, we're gonna write all these bits on completely naked from now on. Yup. We're all laying bare arsed on furry rugs writing this stuff right now... Liiiiberating aint it?
Rosanna Davison |
So there you have it folks. Seems like there's a new Rosanna Davison on the way. This time with extra attitude... Just like when Sandra Dee dressed up in the black lycra pants at the end of Grease and flew off into the clouds with Danny Zuko. Wait there, not just like, exactly like... Wop-babalu-bop-doo-wop-bam-boom!
Rosanna Davison |