Well Stone Me Karma...
When busty model Hazel O'Sullivan peers over her glasses and authoritatively says: "leave your tie at the door." Lads, you leave your tie at the door. Goes without saying. Starting in March all punters will be asked to do similar on Thursday & Friday nights in Karma Stone bar...
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Is it just us or has our Hazel O'Sullivan got even bustier of late since she's become a rugby WAG? Dunno. We've been snapping her good self for many a year but at a photocall in Karma Stone bar on Wexford Street yesterday she seemed much more cleavage-y than usual. Eitherway, whatever you're doing hun, don't stop. Don't ever stop.
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Our Hazel was at Karma Stone calling on all office workers to 'Leave Your Tie At The Door'. Yup. Starting Friday March 1st after-workees are encouraged to hit the Wexford Street venue for live music sessions and free buckets of beer & free finger food.
Hazel O'Sullivan |
So there you have it folks, Hazel O'Sullivan getting us all hot & bothered of a Thursday. She is totally harshing our karma...
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Hazel O'Sullivan |