Rihanna Rocks 'Wacko Jacko' Chic..
It was only a few years back when we first snapped a then unknown R ‘n’ B sensation called Rihanna confidently strolling down Grafton Street on her own after a night on the tiles in Lillies Bordello. Fast forward to present day, she's had massive world-wide success and now even a famous beau on her arm - but she's only gone all Michael Jackson on us with really bad disguises and numerous burly minders following everywhere. Fame, eh?
Rihanna |
We don't know what it is about a few songs in the charts that turns relatively normal human beings into expressionless recluses so far removed from reality that they can’t even go out at night without dark glasses and a four man security entourage...
Rihanna |
This phenomenon should be called Michael Jackson Syndrome, or more accurately, Wacko Jacko Complex-o. Well, when stars feel they need to cover-up every inch of their body so only their nose sees the light of the moon to make themselves inconspicuous and in-doing-so make themselves totally conspicuous, it sorta defeats the purpose doesn't it?
Rihanna, Chris Brown |
So when Rihanna emerged from her private luxury coach with boyfriend Chris Brown last night wearing sunglasses, a baseball cap, and a black scarf completely wrapped around her face we weren't at all fooled. Well, it took three burly minders just to carry her Louis Vuitton luggage and NO ONE but a celebrity really wears sunglasses AFTER midnight. We find the sunglasses at night is always a big giveaway.
Rihanna, Chris Brown |
Rumours have been rife that Rihanna got engaged to Chris Brown on New Years Eve, as the singer was spotted wearing a massive rock at a London nightclub. Although, on her trip to Dublin there have been no rings spotted on her wedding finger, not even backstage at Chris' sold-out concert in The O2 Arena.
Rihanna, Chris Brown |
As Chris (with his pants half down) and Rihanna were ushered into The Morrison Hotel last night one of our naughty snappers congratulated them on their engagement with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek. Sadly, the stone faced duo gave no response. Well, at least Chris didn't - we couldn't see Ri's face behind the glasses, cap, and scarf. Her little button nose gave no reaction.