Rihanna Gets Lippy At 21 Club...
With all the Michael Jackson-esque disguises and pap dodging going on last week, we started to think that R&B singer Rihanna was joining the ranks of over the top celebrity divas. Turns out the 'Umberella' stunner was going to great extremes to hide a nasty cold sore on her lip. O the vanity of it all...
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Just like with most big name celebs, we had to go to great lengths to get snaps of Chris Brown and his rumoured fiancée Rihanna last week. But all our hard graft was scuppered by the fact that each time we got Rihanna in our sights she had a bloody big scarf wrapped around her head. Plus dark sunglasses and a baseball cap.
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For a brief scary moment there we kinda thought the sexy singer was moving into Wack Jacko territory by completely covering-up every inch of skin while out in public. Thankfully, the reason for her sudden bout of shyness was merely down to an understandable bout of vanity...
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For Rihanna was merely trying to hide the fact that she had a bit of a cold sore on her upper lip and didn't particularly want our sharp lenses picking-up on the little boo-boo. To be fair to her, no one wants to be snapped with a cold sore, celeb or no.
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Rihanna finally dropped her guard (and her disguise) when she turned up at her fella Chris Brown's O2 Arena afterparty at The 21 Club last Thursday night. For a brief moment, as she stepped out of her car with friends, we got a clear shot of her face and spotted the offending sore on her lip.
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But quicker than you could say herpes simplex the talented performer had her leather clad hand covering her mouth and kept it there all the way into the club past the gathered paparazzi. Bless.