Oscar Laying In The Snow But Looking Up At The Stars...
Like the physical metaphorical manifestation of Ireland heading into a bleak and frostbitten 2010 Oscar Wilde's statue sitting proudly in Merrion Square park should be an inspiration to us all... Like the rest of us, he may have been laying in the show but he was most certainly looking up at the stars...
Oscar Wilde |
It's been a wilde ride for poor aul Ireland in the first few chilling moments of this current decade with the economy in tatters and then the whole snow debacle kicked-off... We had the Noughties - what's this decade gonna be called? The Teens? The Tens? The End of Days?
Oscar Wilde |
Well dear reader *preachy alert* there's surely a light at the end of this tapering tunnel. These dark days will pass and the good times will once again reign... The trick is to embrace the moment, no matter how shite, and suck the marrow from the bone of it... Heck, if it's snowing throw fecking snowballs.
Oscar Wilde |
Take your inspiration from legendary Irish playwright Oscar Wilde sitting on his snowy perch in Merrion Square who once famously quipped: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Our Oscar also once said: "Wisdom comes with winters..." Minister Noel Dempsey take note.