The Inside Opens in Dublin...
Hold on to your sick-bags movie goers for an Irish horror flick has been created in the pit of hell that WILL turn your insides out. Literally! We attended the Eoin Macken directed production at The Screen Cinema this week, as did lots of glamourites, many of which had no idea what was about to happen next...
Kellie Blaise, Eoin Macken, Tereza Srbova |
Male model and actor Eoin ‘One Sick Puppy’ Macken has turned his love for film into a full time job having created a few arty shorts and even a lengthy documentary about the Irish fashion industry. Before Christmas, with nothing more than a crazy idea in his head and 5 days to get in on film, he decided to shoot a feature length movie called 'The Inside'.
Kellie Blaise, Tereza Srbova, Natalia Kostrzewa, Vanessa Fahey |
Shot in real time from the first person perspective of 5 naughty party girls playing around with a home video recorder, Mr Macken adopted this innovative style of shooting seen in movies such as The Blair Witch Project, and adapted it to his Irish horror. Successfully, may we add.
Brian Fortune, Emmett Scanlan |
The Inside premiered this week at The Screen cinema where the great and the good gathered in foyer, all dressed to the nines, not even slightly aware of the horrific assault that was about to be forced on their senses... Just for freaking out an entire theatre of people, Eoin Macken should get an Oscar folks. We're still giggling from seeing the gaunt faces that emerged after watching The Inside... Hilarious.
Laura Toogood, Brian Purcell |
To say the Dublin audience was underprepared for the stark & real horror they were about to be shown, was an understatement. In fact, after hearing some of the post-screening accounts, we reckon some of the pretty ladies who attended will probably need a few counselling sessions before they go anywhere near a cinema again. Hee. Hee.
Leigh Arnold, Claire Malone |
The combination of high pitched screams, the handheld shaky camera first person style, and the graphic nature of some scenes that force you to look away - attendees were running from the screening room in their droves. At least 3 people we spoke to said they were actually sick in The Screen's toilets and good few more couldn't attend the Lillies Bordello afterparty because of migraines and illness... Well, if you wanted horror, The Inside certainly delivered that.
Irma Mali |
Yup. If Eoin Macken set-out to shock and appal his audience, then he gets ten out of ten from us. Although his low budget flick probably won't go on general release any time soon nor ever get past a film censor - we thoroughly enjoyed experiencing this experimental feature and how it scared the shite outta Dublin's social set. Brilliant!
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Tara Sinnott (still single) |
If anything, this indie movie was a good showcase for young actors and in particular for talented singer Kellie Blaise who stands-out as a very convincing actress and the star of the piece... A find.
Jenny Lee Masterson |
The Inside premiere screening was a full house (at least at the start!), and although flawed, saw emerging Irish director Eoin Macken take the viewer on a wild ride and ultimately delivered a start, a middle, and an ending. Not bad for a film shot in five days with no budget and no script... Bravo.
Claire Tully |
To sum up The Inside – it's a film for all the family. The Adams Family.
Chris Newman, Omero Mumba |
Aoiffe Madden |
Breffny Morgan |
Stephen Higgins |
Stephanie Gilla, Katie Browns, Katie Van Duren, Jodi Wood |
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The Inside (Full Cast) |
Eoin Macken |